Hey Beautiful Soul

It’s time to Break Free from limiting yourself and finally start Loving your Gentle Soul!

I help you build your self-worth from within and embrace your sensitivity, transforming it into your greatest strength!

Let’s chat and explore ways how you can move closer to Your Authentic Self.

I’m Birte.

Holistic Coach, Reiki Practitioner & Tarot Reader

Hello & welcome.

For years, I found myself caught up in the expectations of others, trying to fit into moulds that simply weren't meant for me. It wasn't until I began my own journey of self-discovery that I realised the immense power and freedom that comes from embracing who you truly are.

Through mindfulness, spirituality, and the healing energy that surrounds us, I've found incredible peace and balance in my life. These practices have not only transformed my mindset but have also allowed me to live in alignment with my deepest values and desires.

Now, I'm dedicated to sharing the lessons I've learned and the tools I've discovered with you. Whether you're seeking inner peace, clarity on your path, or simply looking to reconnect with your true essence, I'm here to support and empower you every step of the way.

So, welcome aboard and let's uncover the magic that lies within you.

Free yourself

Your Soul has a plan

Do you feel disconnected from your authentic self, pressured to conform to expectations that don't align with who you truly are? Are you grappling with self-doubt, negative thoughts, or energetic blockages?

If this sounds familiar, then you've come to the right place.

Welcome to a nurturing space tailored for gentle souls like you to rediscover your true essence and restore balance in your life. Together, we'll go on a journey of holistic wellbeing, unveiling the unique path that your soul has mapped out for you. Along the way, we'll identify and release the obstacles hindering your growth, empowering you to embrace your authenticity and live in harmony with your gentle inner self.

Everything you seek is within you.

It's just a matter of unblocking and unlocking it.


Unlock your next chapter

My approach is holistic, focused on nurturing the synergy between mind, body, and spirit.

Recognising that everything is energy and interconnected, I facilitate your personal growth journey through a blend of Coaching, Reiki, and Tarot guidance. You have the freedom to select the modality that resonates most with you or opt for a combination to enrich your unique transformation process.

Start your journey of self-discovery and claim your full power and confidence from the comfort of your home, as all my services are provided online, regardless of your location.

Good to know: I offer my services in both English and German.

It’s time to start living your best life!

My Offerings




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